Bedlam Brass at RemFest 2024

Baltimore is an incredible city for the arts, performances, and neighborhood festivals. This spring brought the return of RemFest, in the Remington neighborhood, and it was such a great day of food and art and performances. One of my favorite bands in bmore is Bedlam Brass. I am entirely biased as I’ve been photographing them for years, but they bring color and joy and fabulous noise in the best ways while engaging with the audience and making sure every person around is fully engaged. When I saw that Bedlam was playing at RemFest, I decided to use them as test subjects for a few nerdy photo things and brought my camera along to the show*. Enjoy!

*What were the photo experiments, you may ask? Nothing as dramatic as I usually experiment with–this was a day about photographing at f/4 and above (with a few f/2.8s thrown in for comparison) and trying out the PolarPro Shortstache Filter.

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