Film: Canon EOS 10S in Baltimore and Sweden

Old is new and new is old and around it goes.

When I was 17 I bought a Canon FtB from Goodwill for $50. I shot two rolls of film on it and somehow got a decent number of photos when my understanding of photography consisted of, “When one number is big the other should be little.”

I put aside cameras with manual modes for a few more years until 2009 when I took a digital photography class and bought my first DSLR (a Nikon D40). From there I was mostly digital with some film experiments and toy cameras here and there. There really honestly is such a mood in film photos and there’s a lot I can do to mimic it when I edit digital photos but I’m still in the film-is-magic camp. Recently I picked up a used Canon EOS 10S with a 50mm f/1.8 lens to experiment with a digital camera that has autofocus and better metering than the (broken) meter in my FtB. The first roll I shot on the 10S expired about 15 years ago and was interesting but mostly yellow and not worth looking at. These second two rolls of film though? I think I’m in love.

Baltimore Inner Harbor Elopement – with Kodak Portra 400

Sweden – Kodak Portra 400

Sweden – Expired Lomography XPro Chrome 100 Cross Processed

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