Krampusfest, put on by Krampusnacht DC, is the perfect December tradition for all the freaks and geeks who keep their Halloween decorations up through New Year’s and avoid Christmas altogether. Part street parade, part circus show, part drag event, and all around costume extravaganza, Krampusfest brings this Eastern European folklore character to DC for a night of festivities at Wunder Garten. And the best part? The whole event is a fundraiser for the Wanda Alston Foundation, a DC housing program that supports unhoused or at-risk LGBTQIA+ youth ages 18-24. Krampusnacht DC started over a decade ago on H Street NE and it’s been amazing to watch it change and evolve over the years. With Maki Roll hosting, Batala kicking things off, Peculiarity Productions bringing the fire, drag by Exquisite Corpse, and Crickett roaming the event showing off his juggling skills this was one of my favorite years ever!